Point Europa (UK) is a
community-based charity and social enterprise. We provide a wide range of
provision to our immediate local area, SE Cornwall, and also offer services
further afield. Our main activities are:
Work with older
people. We support older people, whether in work, unemployed or retired. This
includes EU projects (Leonardo and Grundtvig) and especially the new Grundtvig
Senior Volunteering programme. We organise a great deal of local-area work,
building networks and developing inclusive activities.
Adult disabled. We are part of a
strong local network of support organisations for adult disabled people, originally
created through a Grundtvig Multilateral project. The network is developing new
learning opportunities for participants.
International adult
training. We are very active in the Grundtvig and Leonardo programmes,
participating in a wide range of projects (see list above). Most are related to
our core activities as described here.
Charity Shop. We run a
medium-sized charity shop, staffed by local volunteers, which raises money to
support our childcare work. The great majority of our volunteers and customers
are over 50, and the shop has become a new community focal point and activity
for this age group.
volunteering. We actively promote adult volunteering by local residents in our area.
We create and manage a huge range of opportunities, including work in schools,
country parks, youth centres and nature/heritage organisations.
Childcare. We have very strong
experience in provision and support for childcare and the local primary
schools. We ran our own childcare services for many years, and now support the
schools and other agencies to continue the work, with year-round joint projects
and activities.
International youth
We are one of the UK’s biggest providers of international opportunities through
the EU “Youth In Action” programme. We are specialists in youth volunteering
through the European Voluntary Service strand.
Local youth work. We actively
support local youth clubs, sports clubs and schools. We run residential courses
and excursions for young people, and help then set up and run funded projects,
such as the creation of a local Mountain Boarding park.
Support for migrant
workers. We offer English classes and related activities (information, guidance
on further training, social events) for migrant workers in the region. The work
is funded through the European Social Fund’s “Convergence” programme for
is an NGO was established to support, activate the children, youth, adults, seniors
and also the general public. 72138480
The aim and objectives are:
support and provide
opportunities for the education,
contribute to the
sustainable and quality life in the region and especially in Ostrava,
development of the
intergenerational dialogue at local level,
support the non formal
education and personal development in the community.
The aim and objectives are fulfilled through the :
educational activities,
local events,
information service,
local, regional and
international partnership
promotion of the specific
themes and areas (culture, sport, healthy life style, art, etc.)
creating the opportunities
for the sustainable development, urban and rural development
providing the activities in
the field of citizens‘education, active democracy, protection of human rights, civil
society, participation, European issues and development of the information.
The organisation has the
experience with the local partnership and the members has also experience with
the youth international volunteering and had personal contact and opportunity to
meet with the international senior volunteers.
For the moment the
organisation has 10 local volunteers.
Due to work with young people
and also seniors the organisation is very interested and motivated in the
senior volunteer and would like to offer the experience and involvement in the