The main aim of the project is to bring two different generations together, over 50’s and Pre School age children, to participate in mutually beneficial activities which will promote understanding and respect between these generations, providing an opportunity for adults to improve their experience, knowledge and competencies whilst also transferring traditions to a younger generation, and will contribute to creating a more cohesive community in our local areas.

The project will send/host six Senior Volunteers as an exchange between two organisations engaged with and active in early years’ education for children of Pre School ages. The Senior Volunteers will take part in all activities within Pre Schools and will work alongside and directly with staff, Pre School members and other local community volunteers. The aim will be to create a long lasting relationship between the organisations in the partnership.

The main focus of the activities will be the transfer of traditions between the generations – the traditional activities will focus on arts and culture. Art and craft activities can be a powerful way for both younger and older people to work together and develop skills, and the benefits can be on a personal level by developing self-esteem, but also on a wider level by building a community identity. Through this European co-operation the participants will be able to play a more active role in society and re-engage in learning. The use of arts and culture to address a wide range of topics will be a great way to make local and international links and to recover traditions. The theme is multi-lingual and will be focused on passing down knowledge through traditional art and cultural activities in the local area and between the two countries. The organisations in the partnership have strong ‘outdoor learning’ focus, and incorporate Forest School sessions within educational settings throughout external workshops. The activities within this project will be focused around this ethos through skill sharing focused workshops and activities.

The project will provide the adults with experiences that improve their knowledge and competences. Many of the volunteers and children whom we work with are socially and economically disadvantaged; this is due to the rural and isolated nature of the area where the organisations in the partnership are located. The project will aim, in particular, to support people in these targeted groups. The project will benefit those volunteering and respond to the challenges of an ageing population; by sharing knowledge and experience in return they will learn new skills, widen their social and community network, challenge any pre-existing negative stereotypes of growing older, get active, and they will make a difference not only to the lives of the children but also to their local communities.